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Case Studies

Learn how a Newton, Massachusetts-based painting company adopted TLM’s approach for successful B2B lead generation

About Client

The client, based in Newton, provides residential and commercial painting services across Newton, Massachusetts.

TLM drives B2B lead success for US painting franchise

Business Problem

  • This franchise reached out to us seeking qualified leads, particularly in the commercial space. They had tried various methods, including cold calling, but nothing was working.
  • The owner was losing customers to competitors and struggled to retain them without any reference work.
  • It was a critical situation for the business, which needed solid commercial painting leads to survive.

Our Plan

  • We gathered all the relevant information from the owner regarding their primary contacts within companies.
  • Knowing that the key contacts were usually property managers or facility managers, we tailored our prospecting strategy accordingly.
  • Additionally, we included contacts from operations, finance, administration, and management to expand our reach.
  • For the campaign design, we focused our messaging on the company's commercial painting services. We meticulously detailed all the services they offered for businesses.
  • Our lead identifiers were instructed to pass on leads quickly, as these types of leads can become cold rapidly.
  • We also tasked our team with scheduling appointments as needed. Our exclusion team was responsible for managing and promptly removing any exclusions.


  • The results were outstanding from the start, with four leads generated in the first month. Two of these leads progressed to proposals, resulting in business with one of them.
  • This email marketing program, specifically designed for commercial painting services, was highly effective. The local website also saw increased traffic due to the direct marketing efforts.